
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Journal 7: Professional Learning Network

For the PLN assignment, I’ve been utilized twitter, as well as RSS feeds from professional organizations for student affairs professionals in higher education.  To name a few, NASPA, ACPA, and CaCCCHE provide information on upcoming regional, national, and international conferences, topical research, and publications, calls for papers and readers.  They announce webinars, and provide links to videos, workshops, and opportunities to connect with other members, and provide comments.  There are questions and comments posted in forums, regarding best practices, and one in particular that I engaged in regarding freedom of speech on campus.  

The type, and tone, of information I received changed immediately following the presidential election.  In fact, the quantity of posts increased substantially.  Statements of support to students and professionals were received from these professional organizations, as well as universities around the nation and the world, addressing fears and uncertainty.  There remains a great deal of need for discussion, and one-hour virtual dialogue groups have been created where the student affairs community can come together to intentionally address feelings, experiences, and reactions to the election. I also participated in a webinar, where a panel of faculty, staff, and administrators, representing six universities, from various regions in the country, addressed actions being taken to mitigate possible impact on college campuses.  I really appreciate that these organizations understood the immediate need for student affairs professionals, people really, to come together this way, and created a means for us to do so.  It helps me cling to #whateverhopeisleft.  

I believe that the tools I’ve used in my Professional Learning Network, have been quite helpful and valuable to me, personally, as well as the work that I do in student affairs, and my ability to be a resource to students in general, and women in particular.

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